Saturday, August 3, 2013

Fine Dining Pleasure

And now for something completely different.  I would like to invite you all to the Bobble Head Cafe.  This new eatery serves some traditional and some new combinations for your dining pleasure.  I'm sure there is something for everyone on the menu.

But, first a bit of the Bobble Head Cafe history.  Our name is inspired by the fact that we have not one, not two, not three, not four, but five bobble heads in our house and each member of our family owns at least one of these priceless gems.  This is amazing!  Can you believe it?



Kid Number 1's

Kid #2's (MIA in a mound of toys)

In our establishment, you can sit wherever you want and our 2 hardworking chefs will bring whatever you want from the menu.  But, be careful, the restaurant sometimes closes unexpectedly and without warning if our chefs get distracted.
We love our menu, and we think you will too.  Lets start with the main courses.


For you traditional folks, we offer maceroni and chese, ledis (lettuce), resbery's, and peanut butter jelly.  For those of you who are a bit more adventurous, might I suggest a jewel and ham sadwich (choice of jewel is at our discretion), a grape and jelly sandwich, or our mini ledis (lettuce)?  If you are in the mood for Mexican, we've got you covered with our nachos-tacos.  But, for those of you who really want an out of this world, one of a kind taste, I would highly recommend our house special, the peanut ledis (lettuce).  This dish consists of peanuts wrapped in ledis (lettuce).  Mmmmmmm!
Now, on to our drink selections.  We have gone traditional here, at least with the selections.  Spelling, not so much.
Finally, for dezert, I mean dessert, we only have 2 things on the menu, so don't go complainin' that there should be more.  Besides, who doesn't like cookies and ice cream?  Oh, wait, the five year old doesn't like ice cream.  Well, he can shut his pie hole with a cookie.  See, all good because there is a second  choice.

We hope you will stop by and visit us many times because we really need the money so that we can go buy more Lalaloopsy's.  We don't anticipate that we will ever have enough Lalaloopsy's.  EVER.  Plus visiting our restaurant will make you happy.  Like this:

We look forward to serving you soon.  Bon Appetit!